What is a Talent Recruitment Event?
It’s an opportunity to meet with a multitude of headteachers who are recruiting for September vacancies exclusively via Empowering Learning. You will meet with an array of schools and trusts that have chosen
Empowering Learning to shortlist and headhunt for these exciting opportunities. All of the interviews will be held in individual areas where you will be able to spend time with the recruiting school. You will have the chance to shortlist any schools of interest and, if both parties are in agreement, unconditional offers can be made on the day.
Note: conditional offers can be made and will be subject to references, further interviews and/or lesson observation.
Why should I attend?
Who can attend?
Primary teachers
Secondary teachers (all subject specialists)
When is the next event?
To find out when we are holding the next Talent Recruitment Event, please fill in the form below.