Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is an integral part of teaching and assures high standards in education are maintained.

To help with this, Empowering Learning has created a range of exceptional CPD opportunities, including face-to-face workshops, coaching sessions, an SEND workshop and our popular and outstanding Teachers’ Standards Programme.


Overview of the English education system and curriculum (CPD Certified) 

By the end of this CPD session the following outcomes will have been realised:

  • An understanding of the system and curriculum model for schools in England
  • Ages and Stages of education
  • An awareness of the points of reference for knowledge and resource development
  • An understanding of statutory curriculum content, qualifications and assessment milestones
  • Practical advice related to living and working as a teacher or TA in the UK

Overview of the Scottish education system and curriculum

By the end of this CPD session the following outcomes will have been realised:

  • An understanding of the system and curriculum model for schools in Scotland
  • Ages and Stages of education
  • An awareness of the points of reference for knowledge and resource development
  • An understanding of statutory curriculum content, qualifications and assessment milestones
  • Practical advice related to living and working as a teacher or TA in the UK

Maths and Numeracy in the Primary phase (CPD Certified) 

By the end of this CPD session the following outcomes will have been realised:

  • An understanding of the required Mathematics provision in National Curriculum EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2
  • Reference to the transition to secondary phase
  • A recognition of planning, assessment and tracking requirements
  • An awareness of points of reference for knowledge and resource development
  • An understanding of statutory/non-statutory testing requirements

English and Literacy in the Primary phase (CPD Certified)

By the end of this CPD session the following outcomes will have been realised:

  • An understanding of the required Literacy provision in National Curriculum: EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2
  • A recognition of planning, assessment and tracking requirements
  • An awareness of points of reference for knowledge and resource development
  • An understanding of statutory/non-statutory testing requirements

Positive Behaviour Management (CPD Certified)

By the end of this CPD session the following outcomes will have been realised:

  • An understanding of the differences between classroom and behaviour management
  • A recognition of potential factors that affect learners behaviour
  • An awareness of points of reference for knowledge and resource development
  • An understanding of statutory/non-statutory issues related to effective behaviour management in the classroom and in a wider school context

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) (CPD Certified)

By the end of this CPD session the following outcomes will have been realised:

  • An understanding of the purpose and content of the EYFS curriculum
  • An explanation of who is responsible for its delivery
  • The range of settings for its delivery and the tracking of progress
  • An awareness of points of reference for knowledge and resource development
  • An understanding of statutory considerations

Teaching Phonics (CPD Certified)

By the end of this CPD session the following outcomes will have been realised:

  • The principles and practice of high quality phonics
  • An understanding of the different phases (1-6) and expected outcomes
  • An understanding of how each phase is delivered in schools
  • An awareness of points of reference for knowledge and resource development

An understanding of statutory/non-statutory assessment requirements

Safeguarding and Prevent – England

By the end of this CPD session the following outcomes will have been realised:

  • An understanding of the definition of ‘Safeguarding’ in English schools
  • An understanding of the Keeping Children Safe in Education statutory requirements
  • An awareness of the points of reference associated with effective safeguarding practices
  • An understanding of the Prevent agenda
  • The identification of key safeguarding personnel in school settings

Safeguarding and GIRFEC – Scotland

By the end of this CPD session the following outcomes will have been realised:

  • An understanding of the definition of ‘Safeguarding’ in Scottish schools
  • An understanding of the Scottish Government and Education Scotland statutory requirements
  • An awareness of the points of reference associated with effective safeguarding practices
  • An understanding of the GIRFEC agenda
  • The identification of key safeguarding personnel in school settings

Teachers’ Standards and Ofsted

By the end of this CPD session the following outcomes will have been realised:

  • An overarching understanding of the Ofsted Education Inspection Framework and its purpose
  • Types of Ofsted inspection
  • Defining ‘Outstanding’, ‘Good’, ‘Requires Improvement’ and ‘Inadequate’ judgements
  • The Teachers’ Standards in an everyday and Ofsted context



By the end of this CPD session the following outcomes will have been realised:

  • An understanding of the SEND Code of Practice and its application in English schools
  • An understanding of statutory/non-statutory SEND requirements
  • A recognition of what you know about SEND that can subsequently be applied to your planning, delivery, assessment and tracking of provision
  • Some strategies to ensure inclusion of SEND pupils
  • An awareness of points of reference for knowledge and resource development

Assessment and planning

By the end of this CPD session the following outcomes will have been realised:

  • An understanding of the assessment model for schools in England
  • Assessment linked to ages and stages
  • An awareness of points of reference for knowledge and resource development
  • An understanding of statutory assessment points

Assessment and planning in the Primary phase

By the end of this CPD session the following outcomes will have been realised:

  • An understanding of the assessment model for schools in England
  • Assessment linked to ages and stages
  • An awareness of points of reference for knowledge and resource development
  • An understanding of statutory assessment points

Assessment and planning in the Secondary phase

By the end of this CPD session the following outcomes will have been realised:

  • An understanding of the assessment model for schools in England
  • Assessment linked to ages and stages
  • An awareness of points of reference for knowledge and resource development
  • An understanding of statutory assessment points

Preparing for an Interview

By the end of this CPD session the following outcomes will have been realised:

  • Candidates will optimise interview skills and performance
  • Anticipation and scrutiny of likely lines of interview questioning
  • The highlighting of resources relevant to answering potential interview questions

Exam Invigilation training

By the end of this CPD session the following outcomes will have been realised:

To understand…

  • what the terms ‘Invigilation’ and ‘Invigilator’ mean
  • the DfE and Ofsted’s supervisory remit
  • how the Teachers’ Standards apply to the role
  • School SLT/SMT’s role
  • the duties of the Invigilator as defined by the JCQ

Graduate Teaching Assistant training

By the end of this CPD session the following outcomes will have been realised:

  • An understanding of the curriculum and assessment model for schools in England
  • An understanding of the TA, HLTA and LSA roles in/outside the classroom
  • An understanding of the eight Teachers’ Standards and Ofsted inspections
  • An awareness of points of reference for knowledge and resource development
  • An awareness of the importance of Safeguarding

Cover Supervisor

By the end of this CPD session the following outcomes will have been realised:

  • An understanding of the differences between being a teacher and Cover Supervisor
  • An understanding of the Ages and Stages of education
  • An awareness of the English National Curriculum content
  • Knowledge of behaviour management strategies

On-line Teaching, Learning and Assessment

By the end of this CPD session the following outcomes will have been realised:

  • An understanding of the on-line platforms available to schools
  • An understanding of statutory considerations
  • An awareness of optimising curriculum coverage
  • Knowledge of the supporting resources available


By the end of this CPD session the following outcomes will have been realised:

  • What Intervention means
  • The role it plays in schools
  • How it’s delivered and to whom
  • Related resources and reference points

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